
Legal stuff

Rawmotion GmbH
Ludwigstrasse 32
83646 Bad Tölz, Germany

Register Entry / Company Register Details:
Entry in: Handelsregister
Register Number: B176317
Register Court: München / Munich
European VAT number: DE 262212185

Represented by: Alexander Dörr

Tel. +49 89 381 69 79 00
Fax. +49 89 381 69 79 09

Copyright statement
All information on this website (i.e. texts, graphics etc.) are protected by copyright. The published information may not be used either directly or indirectly for commercial purposes and may only be used for private purposes by natural persons. All utilisation rights, of any sort whatsoever, are exclusively reserved by the copyright owner. The copyright owner reserves the rights in particular to copy, distribute, lease, lend and transmit website information in any way. RAWMOTION GmbH reserves all rights. Legal action will be taken against infringements of copyright.